1 етап 2020 року (02.10.2020 – 31.12.2020):
- V. Bohun, A. Iksanov, A. Marynych, B. Rashytov. (2022) Renewal theory for iterated perturbed random walks on a general branching process tree: intermediate generations, Journal of Applied Probability, 59, 421-446.
- A. Iksanov, A. Marynych, I. Samoilenko. (2022) On intermediate levels of nested occupancy scheme in random environment generated by stick-breaking II, Stochastics, 94, 1077-1101.
1 етап 2021 року (01.05.2021 – 31.08.2021):
- V. Bogdanskii, I. Pavlyukevich, A. Pilipenko. (2022) Limit behaviour of random walks on Z^m with two-sided membrane, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, 26, 352-377.
- V. Bohun. (2021) Probabilistic analysis of vantage point trees, Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications, 8, 413-434.
- V. Bohun, A. Marynych. (2021) On the local time of a recurrent random walk on Z^2, Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 105, 69-78.
- A. Iksanov, Z. Kabluchko, V. Kotelnikova. (2022) A functional limit theorem for nested Karlin’s occupancy scheme generated by discrete Weibull-like distributions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 507, no. 2, 125798.
- A. Iksanov, A. Pilipenko, B. Povar. (2023) Functional limit theorems for random walks perturbed by positive alpha-stable jumps, Bernoulli, 29, 1638-1662.
- A. Iksanov, B. Rashytov, I. Samoilenko (2023). Renewal theory for iterated perturbed random walks on a general branching process tree: early generations, Journal of Applied Probability, 60, 45-67.
- Z. Kabluchko, A. Marynych. (2022) Lah distribution: Stirling numbers, records on compositions, and convex hulls of high-dimensional random walks, Probability Theory and Related Fields,
2 етап 2021 року (01.09.2021 – 31.12.2021):
- V. Bohun, A. Marynych. (2022) Random walks with sticky barriers, Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications, 9, 245–263
- A. Iksanov, O. Kondratenko. (2021) Functional limit theorems for discounted exponential functional of random walk and discounted convergent perpetuity, Statistics and Probability Letters, 176, 109148.
- A. Iksanov, A. Nikitin, I. Samoilenko. (2021) Limit theorems for discounted convergent perpetuities, Electronic Journal of Probability, 26, no. 131, 1-15.
- A. Iksanov, A. Marynych, B. Rashytov. (2022) Stable fluctuations of iterated perturbed random walks in intermediate generations of a general branching process tree, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 62, 447–466.
- A. Iksanov, A. Pilipenko. (2023) On a skew stable Lévy process, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 156, 44-68.
2023 рік
1. O. Braganets, A. Iksanov. (2023) A limit theorem for a nested infinite occupancy scheme in random environment, Austrian Journal of Statistics, 52, 1-12.
2. A. Iksanov, A. Marynych, A. Nikitin. (2023). Limit theorems for discounted convergent perpetuities II, Electronic Journal of Probability, 28, article no. 15, 1-22.